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Evaluation of Biological Literature

In this article, the authors sought to examine maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with reported marijuana exposure, in isolation or in combination with maternal cigarette smoking. Most people think that marijuana use is the only controlled substance that is used during pregnancy but cigarettes and nicotine are also widely used in combination with the use of marijuana. Cannabinoid receptors are expressed in the fetal brain, providing a biologic rationale for potential fetal effects of maternal use. Those studies report adverse fetal outcomes with marijuana use, including lower birthweight babies. One large prospective study of Generation R demonstrated decreased growth trajectory related to marijuana use during pregnancy. Co-users had elevated rates of preeclampsia compared to nonusers. Their children had larger head circumferences as well. In conclusion, in this study, there were not as many birth defects that were associated with just simple marijuana use but the use of marijuana and cigarettes/nicotine cause more issues

Marijuana use and its effects in pregnancy.

Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk

LEAD AUTHORS Arthur I. Eidelman, MD

In this article, the authors speak highly of the importance of breastfeeding to help benefit the woman and the baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with the continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant. The rates of obesity are significantly lower in breastfed infants who are breastfed, and it also helps to alleviate the chances of celiac disease as well as inflammatory bowel disease. Both short- and long-term health benefits are obtained to women who breastfeed. Those mothers have decreased postpartum blood loss and more rapid involution of the uterus. Overall, the benefit of breast feeding is a mutualistic benefit for both the mother and child.

Sleep deprivation: Impact on cognitive performance

In this article, the authors have been able to portray the negative effects of sleep deprivation. A person's quality of life can be disrupted due to many different reasons. This article goes into detail about how sleep affects the body. In the field of rest and alertness, a few unanswered inquiries remain. Drawn out attentiveness can be because of intense aggregate lack of sleep (SD) or to incessant incomplete rest limitation. Most importantly, add up to SD weakens consideration and working memory, however, it additionally influences different capacities, for example, long-haul memory and basic leadership. Partial SD is found to influence attention, especially vigilance. Studies on its effects on more demanding cognitive functions are lacking. 

The impacts of pre-birth introduction to drugs on mental health are mind-boggling and are balanced by the planning, dosage, and course of medication presentation. It is hard to survey these impacts in clinical companions, which are assailed with different exposures and troubles in archiving use designs. This can prompt confusion of research discoveries by the overall population, the media and approach producers, who may erroneously accept that the legitimate or illicit status of a medication connects with its organic effect on fetal mental health and long-haul clinical results. It is imperative to close the hole between what science informs us concerning the effect of pre-birth tranquilize presentation on the embryo and the mother, and what we do automatically as to in danger populaces.

Prenatal exposure to drugs: effects on brain development and implications for policy and education

The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation

 Monitoring Editor: TOM L. BEAUCHAMP and DAVID DeGRAZIA, Guest Editors

Nonhuman ("creature") experimentation is normally protected by contentions that it is solid, that creatures give adequately great models of human science and infections to yield applicable data, and that, thusly, its utilization gives significant human medical advantages. The article shows that a developing assortment of logical writing basically surveying the legitimacy of creature experimentation for the most part (and creature demonstrating particularly) raises critical worries about its unwavering quality and prescient incentive for human results and for understanding human physiology. The shakiness of creature experimentation over an extensive variety of regions undermines logical contentions for the training. Moreover, it indicates how creature experimentation regularly altogether hurts people through misdirecting security thinks about, potential relinquishment of viable therapeutics, and heading of assets from more successful testing strategies. The subsequent confirmation recommends that the aggregate damages and expenses to people from creature experimentation exceed potential advantages and that assets would be better-put resources into creating human-based testing strategies.

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